Eleonora Degano

Jan 24, 2020 / Alumni stories

I am a freelance journalist, editor, and translator and I’ve been working in the field of science communication for six years now.
I remember loving the lively and international atmosphere, from the bus ride on line 38 in the morning to the conversations you can hear when drinking your espresso in the cafeteria: people passionately talking about neuroscience, mathematics and physics, discussing their latest experiments and results or a paper they’re working on. I had the opportunity to meet a lot of scientists face to face, work on my interviewing skills and actually practice science communication while studying it.

After graduating in Biology I didn’t feel I was motivated or skilled enough to pursue a research career, so I focused on my talents and strengths in order to choose a path with the potential of being both rewarding within a short period of time and realistic.
I’ve always had a way with words so science communication made sense.
I was already living in Trieste and when I learned about the postgraduate master course in SISSA the pieces sort of clicked into place! Since then, when it comes to work I’ve been navigating by sight with a couple of firm points: doing my best to stay passionate about what I do and never stop learning and trying new things.

Read the full story here.