Gaetano Fiore
Dec 16, 2020 / Alumni stories

I am associate professor of mathematical physics at the “Federico II” University of Naples. During my PhD in SISSA (in theoretical particle physics 1990-1994) I got to know Paolo Catelan, who was also working towards his PhD in astrophysics at the same time as me. I’ve been with him in Ecuador for the first time during my PhD and another time 14 years ago.
Following him during his work I could witness a very “sound” way of cooperating, namely the beneficiaries (indios villages) were involved as much as possible in the realization and success of the projects.
Paolo also helped create two networks (REMIND and FUCSIE), partially funded by the European Union, that involve academic or research institutions, especially European and South American ones, including the one (ESPOCH) in his hometown Riobamba. I have begun to collaborate with him and other colleagues of the Universities of Naples and Salerno on these themes: we hope also to exchange students or young researchers.
Read the full story here.