General Assembly 2021!
Mar 01, 2021 / Highlights

The next General Assembly will be held online on Saturday, April 17th. The meeting will begin at 16:00 CEST, if a quorum will be present at the first call, or at 16:30 CEST otherwise.
The provisional agenda of the meeting is:
- Report of the Board about the state of affairs and projects for 2021
- Financial statement for 2020
- Budget for 2021
- Decision on the number of Board members to be elected for a 3 year term beginning on November
1st 2021 - Election of the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson for a 3 year term beginning on November
1st 2021 - Election of the Board for a 3 year term beginning on November 1st 2021
The draft resolutions as published by the board on March 1st are available here to all registered alumni.
Update (Apr 12th) – report from the auditor + English version of the nota integrativa can be found here
All associates are very welcomed to attend by remote connection (we will announce in due course the tool that we will be using). Please note that in order to allow remote participants to vote, all the votes including the quorum roll call will be held electronically using the SISSA survey service (
Please note that all the associates are required to be up to date with the membership fee in order to be eligible to vote. You may enquire about your payment status contacting the Treasurer (
The Board will publish the draft resolutions for the assembly on March 1st, and associates will have time till 23:59 on March 12th, to propose amendments, alternate resolutions, or new items for the agenda (see
article 5 of our Standing Rules). The final text of resolutions will be made available on March 16th.
People willing to stand as candidates for Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson or Board Member shall submit a declaration indicating their willingness to stand to before 23:59 on April 6th – following the rules set forth in article 12 of our standing rules.