About us
Governing bodies and Documents
Here you can find the people involved in the Governing Bodies. You can access the documents of the Society here.
Our story
The experience SISSA has to offer goes way beyond excellence in research.
With the beautiful city of Trieste as a venue, it is a place where people meet, share days, and build friendships like nowhere else.
Whether it has been just one year or many more since you graduated from SISSA, we are confident that those days left good and pleasant memories with you.
The SISSA Alumni Society was founded in October 2018 by a small group of volunteers with the main goal of fostering a sense of community of the School and allowing Alumni to connect with each other and thus to create a personal and professional network.
The Board is made by Alumni who decided to volunteer in order to make all of this possible. The Board is elected every 3 years during the annual General Assembly.
But that’s not all: we also want to look towards the world of tomorrow.
Each one of the Alumni can inspire to the future generations of SISSA graduates by sharing stories of their personal journey, by being a mentor and person of reference for young alumni continuing their career path in similar areas, and by being an ambassador of the School around the world.
Moreover, the Society also has in its programme the promotion of scholarships and study prizes, the organization of events aimed at communicating science and fostering the interaction between academic and industry, and, last but not least, the organization of charity events.
If reading these lines brought you a smile on your face, don’t wait and join now!
Because wherever your life journey is taking you, SISSA will always be part of it.

Our goals
We have several projects in mind that we would like to develop over the years.
Our main goals for these first years are the following:
- reach out to the largest number of alumni as possible
- create a database of all the alumni (accessible by the members)
- start a bulletin with interviews, news, and more
- organize networking events for the Alumni
- organize regular Alumni meetings