Luca Naso
Jul 21, 2020 / Alumni stories

Luca started in 2020 a rather peculiar project, called Correre ai confini: running across all of the Italian borders in 1 year.
When we do what we like, we become better people. Unfortunately (far too) many people think that it is impossible to do what we like. With Correre ai confini I hope people can change their idea of “impossible”. I want to give people a real example that even an ordinary person can achieve an epic result (I am no professional runner, and nobody has ever attempted a run like this in Italy). I hope they can think twice before saying “I cannot do this because “.
To achieve this dream, I have to go out of all of the main comfort zones that I can think about: work, friends, and family. I had to give up a job I liked with no certainty of getting it back; I had to stop seeing friends; I had to stop living with my family. Luckily, today it’s easy to keep relationships remotely.
If you want to know more about Luca’s adventure, please visit
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Read the full story here.