Francesca Mancini
May 11, 2020 / Alumni stories

I work in the Chief Data Office team of the Asset Management division of UBS in New York .
I got the PhD in Physics and Chemistry of Biological Systems (SBP) in 2015. Already at the beginning of my PhD I was not sure if I wanted to continue with academia. But I have to say, for me the years in SISSA were the last years of carefreeness, when I had time to study, create a network of friendships, meet my husband (!) and discuss with brilliant minds (that does not happen so often in the workplace…).
In 2013 I decided to move to Milan and start working, while still finishing the PhD. I worked in the Quants Team (Quantitative Analysis Team) at ENI. In 2015 I graduated and, immediately after that, I left my job in Milan and moved to Zurich in Switzerland, to work for UBS. For two years and a half my job concerned market risk modeling. Then I moved internally to be a Quant in the Sustainable Investing team in Asset Management. Now I am in the Chief Data Office team in New York, and my team develops computational tools helpful for the team I was in before.
One quick piece of advice: if you’re unsure whether to continue with academia, it’s better to bid farewell sooner than later.
Read the full story here.